If discover umbilical prolapse or doubt have an embryo dish inchoate come off, should aid in time with obstetric forceps produce or travel buttock drawing art childbirth goes out the2nd fetal; 如发现脐带脱垂或疑有胎盘早期剥离,应及时用产钳助产或行臀位牵引术娩出第二胎儿;
The Single Leaf of Obstetric Forceps for Assisted Vaginal Delivery Clinical Applications 单叶产钳助产的临床应用
Objective: To re-evaluate the status of assisted vaginal delivery by obstetric forceps. 目的重新评价产钳术在阴道助产中的地位。
G. 7. 83 per cent, while it is much higher by breech delivery and obstetric forceps, 100 percent and 41. 6 percent respectively. 臀位分娩方式的变化对新生儿预后的影响而臀位助产和产钳窒息率分别高达100%和41.67%;
By obstetric forceps evaluation of assisted vaginal delivery 产钳术在臀位阴道分娩中的应用初探重新评价产钳术在阴道助产中的地位
When fetal cetal cephalic presentation dystocia, assisted vaginal delivery by obstetric forceps is a safe method which must be grasped by every obstetrician in order to rescue fetuses, protect mothers, terminate the pregnancy in time. 在头位难产中,为抢救胎儿,保护母体,及时结束分娩,产钳术是安全的,是每个产科医师必须掌握的助产方法之一。
Results: ( 1) Application of obstetric forceps might result in hematoma; 结果:(1)产钳助产易导致产道血肿;
Eye injury caused by obstetric forceps OBSTETRIC FORCEPS IN BREECH DELIVERY: CLINICAL REPORT 产钳术分娩所致眼外伤
A Clinical analysis of the 119 cases of head-position obstetric forceps operations 头位产钳术119例临床分析
By obstetric forceps evaluation of assisted vaginal delivery Physically-Assisted Methods to Enhance Transdermal Drug Delivery 重新评价产钳术在阴道助产中的地位药物经皮控制释放的物理技术
The Application of Obstetric Forceps During Cesarean Section 剖宫产术中应用产钳的体会